Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little Girls

We've been having lots of fun getting settled into the new house. Who knew that we had so much junk?! We still don't have Internet service yet (nutso!) nor have I found my computer cord. So that basically means that there are A LOT of photos living on my memory card, just waiting to be shared.

It's been a busy summer so far. We've had weddings and wedding showers, family reunions & several new milestones. Claire has been cruising for a few weeks and has two tiny teeth! Harper also cut a molar at the same time. Did I mention how much FUN we've been having? Ah, part of babies and kiddos. We are really blessed to have our precious girls!

A beach trip is coming up soon. I can't wait to see Claire's reaction-it'll be her first visit. Harper will love it this year!

Here are the little darlings getting ready for bathtime:

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